Although we suspected Isis earned her Rally RN title in November, one can never be sure until you receive the official certificate. So when we received Isis’s Rally Novice (RN) title in the mail this week from the AKC, we knew her RN title was legit and we were thrilled.A little more about Rally according to Wikipedia:
Rally obedience (also known as Rally or Rally-O) is a dog sport based on obedience. It was originally devised by Charles L. “Bud” Kramer from the obedience practice of “doodling” – doing a variety of interesting warmup and freestyle exercises.
Unlike regular obedience, instead of waiting for the judge’s orders, the competitors proceed around a course of designated stations with the dog in heel position. The course consists of 10 to 20 signs that instruct the team what to do. Unlike traditional obedience, handlers are allowed to encourage their dogs during the course.
As a puppy we saw Isis to have a special spark. Barbet Isis, now 4 years of age, is an extremely drive, smart, and loyal adult Barbet. Focusing her energy and intelligence in Rally training, we have seen how hard Barbet work to please. In every Rally station, Isis happily wags her tail waiting for the command, sometimes patiently waiting as I figure out what the sign is asking us to do.
Rally has been a learning curve for me as well. Weekly Rally training sessions held by my Kennel Club of Columbus Indiana club with Barbet Isis have prepared us for the matches. I also have Rally sign flash cards I’ll study before a match. In the four matches I’ve entered Isis in, three we earned a second place, often because I would nervously miss a sign. In our last match Isis earned a score of 99 placing first in a group of 6 Rally Novice A entered dogs.
Here is an example video of Barbet Isis and I practicing before our first Rally Match in 2012 (notice the happy tail wagging!):
I highly encourage all Barbet owners to check out Rally or Obedience training and matches with the AKC or UKC. Barbet are naturals as they want to learn and please their owners. Therefore, rally gives you the opportunity to spend more time with your Barbet in a fun, encouraging, educational environment. Every Rally match and even in training, everyone is very encouraging and cheer you on. Also, getting our Barbet out in Rally, Obedience, and other AKC events demonstrates to the AKC that we Barbet owners want the breed in the AKC.
Special thanks to Paula Ballak of Biscay Water Dogs in selecting Isis for us as she knew Isis was the Barbet for us.